December 4, 2011

Mikenna~FAST Training!

Mikenna decided during her soccer off season before basketball starts in January to do a FAST training program at the LifeQuest facility. Her and some of her soccer team members are doing it. It's twice a week for an hour and half and started the week after Thanksgiving and will go until the last Thursday before Christmas. Toby and I have watched what they do - it's a lot of plyometrics and speed and agility training - great for any athlete. Those guys really work the girls hard - it's like boot camp. I was blown away how well the girls did though for being only 10 years old. Mikenna is also thinking about joining an indoor soccer team with her coach and team mates soon. She's having a tough time deciding between the indoor soccer league or basketball. We may let her try to do both and see how she does - if it's too much then we'll help her make a decision between the two. I noticed today that she is a little gloomy - which she tends to do in December if she isn't busy enough - I asked her why she is gloomy and I reminded her that she told us she wanted a little break from competition. She responded with I did have a break - (I guess she didn't need a very long one). And she also told me that she misses being competitive. She is not liking the break and down time from being really active on a competitive team - and she likes FAST training but she says she needs competition in her life to be happy. Her coach is looking into the indoor soccer team which will hopefully start soon and I also signed her up for basketball and that will start in January. And then her first big soccer tournament of the year will be the end of February and then she'll compete in State Cup - and then a tournament in Boise, Idaho. After that there are try-outs again for Girls U12 for RCL. You basically can do soccer year round here.

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