February 4, 2012

Rasmussen Reflections 2011 Blog Book!

650 pages!
2011 Rasmussen Reflections blog book is published!  It turned out great!
This bottom picture is of the back of the book.  This is the third time I have ordered a book from my blog.  It's a great piece of family history for our family, and it's also a form of my journal, plus it also puts all the pictures I take during the year and serves as a photo album of sorts.  Since I take close to a thousand pictures per year, this really helps to save money and put all the pictures in one place, instead of having to order each individual picture.  I am happy with how it turned out!


Our Journey with Gods Blessings said...

WOW how did you get your book so big every time I make a blog book they say im only allowed so many pages or so many pictures? I love the hard back rather than the soft and These look AWESOME!

Joette said...

So cool! I want a copy!! Can I just order it?