March 27, 2013

Jaron~Turning 15!?

Jaron....after his haircut and delivering birthday party invitations to his friends....he was making me smile today!  I am so grateful for him and his ability to make me laugh!

I can't believe my handsome son is almost 15 years old!  Where has the time gone??  Sometimes I feel like I am racing against the clock trying to fit in everything I need to teach him, spend time with him, have him experience certain things before he leaves....there just isn't enough time with my kids before they will be off on their own...and though they will make mistakes as we all do - they are all growing up I hope with good heads on their shoulders and individual goals and dreams...that I know they will someday accomplish with continued hard work and good choices....and you can bet I will be there always cheering them on and telling them they can and will accomplish all they set their heart and mind to do....and I will pick them up when they make a mistake or have a hard lesson to learn and love on them and tell them brush it off and get back in there and work hard.  I always try to tell them in teaching moments that I love them and that I do certain things because I love them and want their hapiness and then I hope that translates into something....and maybe I won't see it all right now; but I know we are all learning and growing in our journey's that we are all trying to do the best we can with what we have been given and our Savior makes up the rest if we choose to work hard and do our part.  And learning we don't have control over other people's choices or sometimes what the world hands you to deal with - we have the choice to be happy and do the best we can with our Savior's help.  I am so proud of Jaron and the hard work he puts into not only the things that come natural to him, but the things that don't.  It's not all fun being a teenager - and wanting all that freedom - and learning that it's earned and comes after responsibilities are taken care of.  I am proud of the young man he is becoming and strives to be.  He is so talented creatively and artistically and I know I will see his work in the world someday.  I am so blessed to be his mom and work hard every day to make sure he knows I love him and balance that with giving him more freedom making sure he knows hard work and responsibility comes first.  His smile melts my heart...and I love to see that big smile of his!  I love you buddy!  Keep making your mark in the world for GOOD!!

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