August 18, 2009

Brielle~My Superstar!

I took Brielle today to her doctor for her 4 year check-up and to get a plantar wart removed. She was so silly the whole time. She weighed 40 lbs. and measured 42 and a half inches tall. That means no more 5 point harness on her booster seat! I am happy about that because she was always taking it off and playing with it. She waited patiently on the table for the doctor to come in and look at her plantar wart on her foot. The doctor applied the freeze it stuff several times...and Brielle didn't even flinch. The doctor was so surprised she didn't cry. She said that she hasn't ever had a child that didn't cry. I was pretty shocked myself, but thankful she didn't cry, and it didn't hurt her. She then had the nurse come in and give 3 booster shots and a 2nd chicken pox vaccination. I was holding her on my lap, and ready to hold her hands down for the nurse. The nurse started giving her the shots -2 shots in each leg...she didn't cry for that either! She didn't even whimper or make one sound. The nurse was amazed. She said it's pretty rare that kids don't cry..especially with 4 shots at a time. After that...I ran her straight over to get her sticker and sucker..she was so proud of herself...I was a little shocked that she was so calm the whole time. I was probably more worried than she was. I took her to go get ice cream...which is our tradition after going to the doctor's office with my kids. I was so proud of her. She is growing up!! She's gaining more and more confidence; knowing she can do things. She is doing so much better in Primary too. She went in all by herself..finally..for 40 minutes...she loves Primary, she just prefers to have Toby or I with her. We had to finally put our foot down, and give her the choice of either going in by herself and having fun with her friends and teacher, or going into an empty room by herself and sit there doing nothing. She finally found the courage to go in by herself! It's been a week of milestones for our family!
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